1. Congratulations to Billie Piper!

    Billie Piper and her husband actor Laurence Fox welcomed their second child, a baby boy this past Thursday if you haven’t heard. Fox tweeted “One born every minute. We had our minute today. Couldn’t be happier. Beautiful boy. Everybody fine.”

    In the past after the birth of their first son Winston, Piper had joked, “I used to want a big family but now I am wondering if it would be OK if Winston was an only child! Seriously, I would like to have three children. I’m thinking of having two close together and leaving it a while, then having another.”

    No pictures of Billie or info on what they have named their new son have emerged in the past week, though husband Fox tweeted the humorous photo of a very pregnant Billie last month. We’d like to join the legions of Doctor Who fans who wish them well.

    Update: Billie’s husband Laurence has tweeted that their new son is named Eugene Pip Fox. http://dlvr.it/1QwrYp

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